Our Team

Person-centered psychotherapist
Marriage and Family Counselor
E-Mail: mlacikalin@miteinlernen.at

Neslihan KILIC
Integrative Gestalt Therapist
i. A. u. S.
Marriage and family counselor
Email: mlkilic@miteinlernen.at
Learning Center

Socio-educational learning and leisure supervisor
Email: mlyilmazkaya@miteinlernen.at
Financial management and economic aid

economic assistant
Project Aims
- We want to encourage immigrants in the successful fulfillment of the complex integration process.
- We use our resources to primarily support women in the development of positive lifestyles.
- We encourage women in creating stable and healthy living environments.
- We promote equal opportunities in health, cultural and social activities and strive to solve issues of structural, social, cultural and economic discrimination.
- We want to deconstruct mutual prejudices and be role models via our bicultural team.
- We want to continue our work in sustainable integration.
Target Groups
- Women, children and families with immigrant experiences and people of immigrant backgrounds
- People in bicultural relationships
- Spokespersons in areas of health, the social realm and education
How we work
- We are a multi-professional team of German, Turkish and Persian speaking women and work with standards of quality control.
- We democratically choose our programs and structural organization.
- Our work is process and need-oriented.
- We develop comprehensive, holistic and innovative concepts and curricula.
- We take into account principles of gender equality and diversity.
- Our feminist and anti-racist attitude is the framework for all of our activities.
Financing / Web Links

Stadt Wien Integration und Diversität, MA17
Wiener Kindergärten, MA10
BM für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung
BMBWF – Erwachsenenbildungsportal
BMAFJ – Familienberatung
Europäische Kommission
Europäisches Siegel für Innovative Sprachinitiativen
Initiative Erwachsenenbildung
Bezirksvorstehung Ottakring